At its core, the AMPL-SPOT System is a rotating conveyor belt:

The conveyor belt floats Senior A-Tranches, which represent a safe risk-free slice of AMPL. Because these Sr. Tranches are protected from value loss, market participants can trust that SPOT will be perpetually redeemable for Sr. Tranches of AMPL, which themselves mature into AMPL. In other words:

AMPL = $1.16 <--> Sr. Tranche = $1.16 <--> SPOT = $1.16

2019 CPI-Adjusted USD Value = $1.16; May '23

SPOT is a Perpetual Tranche

3 Public End-User Operations:

  1. Mint - speed up or add tranches to the conveyor belt

  2. Redeem - slow down or remove tranches from the conveyor belt

  3. Rollover - cruise control or maintain tranches on the conveyor belt

Mint - Accelerate; add fuel; tranches net Increase

Redeem - Decelerate; remove fuel; tranches net Decrease

Rollover - Perpetuate; refill fuel; tranches net Zero

System Layout

Radically Responsible - Really?



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